Open hours
Monday 7 am - 6 pm Tuesday 7 am - 6 pm Wednesday 7 am - 7 pm Thursday 7 am - 7 pm Friday 8 am - 10 pm Saturday 10 am - 10 pm

Dr. Andrei Tarassov

Dr. Tarassov joined Olympus Cove Veterinary Clinic in Medical Director role in 2015.

Dr. Tarassov graduated with honors from Ural State Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Russia in 1999. He became licensed in the USA in 2008 after completing review program for foreign graduates at Kansas State University and ECFVG certification.

He completed Emergency and Critical Care internship at Animal Emergency and Specialty Services in Milwaukee, WI in 2010 and Neurology internship at Veterinary Neurological Center in Las Vegas, NV in 2011.

He has broad experience in the field of veterinary medicine. After graduating from the veterinary school, he started working primarily with dairy cattle and was involved in dairy cattle clinical nutrition research.

In 2004 Dr. Tarassov made a shift in his carrier towards small animals. He worked in general practice, emergency animal clinic and research. Because of his passion of sharing his knowledge and experience, he taught in veterinary technology program at Glove College in Minnesota.

Dr. Tarassov also lectured on many veterinary conferences internationally and in the US. He helped to organize and lectured at over 20 veterinary conferences in Russia, Czech Republic, Germany, and Thailand.

Dr. Tarassov volunteered on multiple Rural Area Veterinary Services trips to underserved areas in the US. He also spent several weeks with the same group in Louisiana after hurricane Katrina, providing veterinary care for lost and abandoned pets.